miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013


Geriatric comes from the greek words "geras" meaning old age, and "iatro" meaning relating to medical treatment. Thus , geriatrics is the medical specialty that deals with the physiology of aging and with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the aged.

GERIATRIC AND GERONTOLOGICThe term gerontology comes from the Greek words "gero" meaning related to old age, and "ology", meaning the study of. Thus, gerontology is the study of all aspects of the aging process, including the clinical, psychologic, economic, and sociologic problems of older adults and the consequences of these problems for older adults and society.

Another important aspect is to analyze different situations in old age, from my research and my knowledge, I think it's essential as geriatric syndromes which are explained below, for the performance of nursing staff.

a) Healthy elderly patient, patient with physiological aging (aging as a result of age-related changes) produced by cellular aging.

b) Sick elderly patient, as result of external agents like diseases or accidents, they produces pathological aging.

c) High risk elderly, must show three or more of the following criteria:

  • Age over 80 years
  • Live alone
  • Recent hospital discharge
  • Several hospital readmissions in the last year
  • Have chronical diseases
  • Physical and mental functional damaged
  • Have more than 3 or 4 prescribed drugs
  • Have abnormal gait and / or recurrent falls in the last year.
  • Have a poor social support
  • Malnutrition.

d) Geriatric Patient must show 3 of the following criteria:

  • Age over 75 years
  • Show relevant pluripathologies
  • Have one more geriatric syndromes
  • Suffer any disabling disease
  • Suffer mental disorders
  • Have social problems
  • Consumption of 3 or more drugs

Listed basics, I would delve into geriatric nursing skills and functions.


  • Act as functional bio social psychologist for the elderly
  • Recognise the risk factors of the elderly
  • Knowledge of aging
  • Recognise the elderly frailty criteria
  • Understand the geriatric syndromes
  • Knowledge of poly-pharmacy
  • Manage integral geriatric Rating

I would highlight the relationships to be established with the elderly patient:

  • Substitute, when the patient has a total dependency rehabilitation is critical to prevent further complications. At this time as Virginia Henderson said, we must develop a tendency of substitution, attempting to strengthen the capacity remaining.
  • Helpper, encourage as much as possible the elderly independence.
  • Educator, upbringing health to maintain it.

Consulted bibliography :
  • Hoffman. G. Basic geriatric nursing. 5th edition. Ed. Elsevier. 2012 St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Mussoll. j; Espinosa, M.C; Quera. D; Serra. M.E; Pous. E; Villarroya.I; Puig- Domingo. M. Outcomes of the application of a protocol of comprehensive assessment in elderly persons at risk in primary care. 2002. Rev Esp Geriatria Gerontología. Barcelona.
  • Redín. J.M; Comprehensive geriatric assessment (I). Evaluation of the geriatric patient and the concept of fragility. 1999. ANALES. Sistema sanitario Navarra.Vol 22